I couldn't imagine myself being one of those children in the Kindertransport. And I don't even want to think about it.
But if I were, at 10 years old, told to pack my bags because I had to leave for another country into the homes of strangers and be away from the comforts of my family, I would definitely bring the following items:

journal to write all my thoughts and feelings in, because I would need to express myself then more than ever. And perhaps I could compile all the things that I've written and turn it into a book in the future.

stuffed animal that has been with me since birth. At least I still keep a piece of home and family while I'm in an unknown land.

photo album with lots of our family photos. So I could keep everyone close to me, despite the distance between us. I will always remember each and every one of them.

favorite coat to keep me warm and most especially when I'm in need of a loved one's embrace.

And finally, my
Bible. For my soul will always rest in Him. I know that everything happens for a reason and in the end, His plan will always be followed. I shall hope that one day, our family will be complete again because that's what God wants for us.
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